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Introduction to Vietnamese Language
Vietnamese language is considered as a part of the Austroasiatic language family. It is the official language of Vietnam, spoken by over ninety one million Vietnamese people in Vietnam and about millions Vietnamese expatriates in Europe, North America, Australia, Japan, Thailand, …
There are three main dialects: Northern, Central and Southern which correspond to the three main regions of Vietnam. The Hà Nội (Northern) dialect is widely accepted and mostly used in Vietnam. The three dialects differ in terms of pronunciation and to a certain extent in vocabulary.
Speakers of different dialects can understand one another. Vietnamese is a tonal language with six tones: mid-level, low-falling, high rising, low-falling rising, high- rising broken, and low-falling broken. The changes of the tones or of the pitch level convey different meanings to a word. Besides the tones, there are also diacritic marks placed above the vowels a, e, o, u to create a wide range of sounds.
The current writing system of Vietnamese language developed by Catholic missionaries in the mid-seventeenth century was influenced by Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, and French. The Roman writing system, called chữ Quốc ngữ, was not officially used until the beginning of twentieth century. Sentence structures in Vietnamese have the same word order as in English: subject-verb object. Words are invariable in Vietnamese and there is no inflection in the speech. Consequently the language depends strictly on the order of words to convey meaning.
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